We’ve reached the time of year when talk of Dry January starts. When we begin to think of all the festivities of the holiday season and vow that this time, next year after it’s over we’ll get on a healthy track. We’ll start clean and fresh, sober for a month for New Years. And that’s good, but why wait? You can choose to go dry anytime.
You can start now and give yourself a dry month as the holidays get into full swing. Set yourself up for success by preparing properly. Make your living space a safe space by clearing out all the alcohol to lower temptation. Stock up on favorite juices and seltzers that you can enjoy at home and take with you when you’re meeting with friends. Use an app like Try Dry to keep yourself on track and mark your progress.
If you find yourself automatically steering toward your usual bar hangs, choose instead to investigate alcohol free venues. Mocktail spots are all the rage now and a great opportunity for you to make new sober friends in a bar-like setting. And who knows, your new group of friends may be a source of invites to sober parties all through the holiday season.
Let friends and family know you’re starting the holiday season sober so they can have non-alcoholic options on hand for you. Beware of “non-alcoholic” beers since most still have a low alcohol content. As you share your sobriety there may be a friend or family member who wants to join you on your sober holiday journey. Invite them along! There’s safety in numbers and having an accountability partner will help strengthen your resolve.
Instead of waiting until after the damage is already done, do your Dry January now. Reap the benefits of being sober during the holiday season. You may find that it’s not only attainable, but sustainable. That your dry month has been so enjoyable you decide to extend it well into the New Year.
Always speak with a medical professional before embarking on any sobriety plan. Depending on your usage, withdrawal can be severe and potentially dangerous.
The Recovery Coach NY honors all paths to recovery and is here to help you with services that include Recovery Coaching, Companions and full Case Management. If you, someone you know or someone you work with is in need of recovery guidance and support, reach out directly to Cindy Feinberg, President of The Recovery Coach NY via phone or text at 631-921-4085 or email her here.
The Recovery Coach NY provides Mental Health Support & Coaching, Executive Function & Accountability Coaching, Academic Coaching, Sobriety & Mental Health Companionship, Safe Transport, Case Management, Psychedelic Integration Coaching, Intervention and Emergency Services for you and your loved ones. We have years of experience and a vast array of resources that can help those in need find their way to the life filled with joy and purpose they deserve. We come with an empathetic ear and solution-oriented actions that can begin to bring the relief you and your loved one seek.
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