Your sobriety is a landmark achievement that you should be enjoying with immense pride. But you’re not. Instead you’re feeling like you’re in a club where you don’t belong. That you’re a sham and a fraud. You’re doing all the work, succeeding with your recovery, but you feel like a phony.

What you’re experiencing is Imposter Syndrome. First identified as Imposter Phenomenon in a study published in 1978, according to it’s “anxiety or self-doubt that results from persistently undervaluing one’s competence and active role in achieving success, while falsely attributing one’s accomplishments to luck or other external forces.”

That feeling that you don’t deserve what you’ve accomplished puts your recovery at risk. Imposter Syndrome attacks your self confidence with negative thoughts, telling you your work to sustain your sobriety doesn’t count. That you just got lucky. Those thoughts increase your stress and anxiety which are two things that definitely don’t support recovery. And that thinking may start a downward spiral that can lead to vulnerability to triggers, and potentially relapse.

There are tools and techniques that can guide you toward easing those thoughts and strengthen your self esteem. Practice measured breathing and meditation to quiet your mind. Engaging in exercise that boosts serotonin levels like yoga, running or biking will improve your mood and lower your stress. Shift your focus away from negative thoughts by replacing them with positive affirmations. Rather than ruminating on the fear that you’re a fraud, remind yourself that right now you’re sober and that’s all that counts.

Give yourself credit where credit is due, and ask for help. Reaching out to a therapist, talking with a trusted friend or family member or enlisting the support of a Recovery Coach can help to ease these feelings. If you’re hesitant because you’re embarrassed or ashamed, please keep in mind that a Recovery Coach has heard it all and is equipped with the tools and techniques to help you soothe your mind.

Imposter Syndrome is a tornado of thoughts that spins you from pride of achievement to doubting your success. Don’t allow it to convince you it’s just dumb luck that you are where you are. Your sobriety is you, you do the work to remain free of substance misuse and live your best life. And there’s nothing phony about that.

If this sounds like you, someone you know or someone you work with, contact Cindy directly here for more information on the benefits of Recovery Coaching.


The Recovery Coach NY provides Individual and Family Coaching, Companions & Transport, Intervention and emergency services. For more information and additional services, go to our website.

The Recovery Coach NY has years of experience and a vast array of resources that can help those in need find the path to the life they deserve, filled with joy and purpose. We come with an empathetic ear and solution-oriented actions that can begin to bring the relief you and your loved one seek.

You can reach out to Cindy Feinberg, President of The Recovery Coach NY via:

Phone or text: 631-921-4085


Through her website:


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