“Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.” – Mark Twain

If you’re nodding your head in recognition and agreement that’s a sure sign you’re familiar with procrastinating. Which can also mean that you may be struggling with your Executive Function (EF) skills. Procrastination and EF skills go hand in hand. They share the same behaviors which means if your EF skills are inadequate you may be having trouble with time management, prioritizing and task initiation. That can make getting down to work a challenge. As it turns out, Mr. Twain has advice for hitting this issue head on:

“… The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.”

We all tend to put off projects we either don’t want to do or think we can’t do, but for chronic procrastinators having trouble with getting started is a way of life. If you find yourself constantly and consistently putting off until Thursday what you should do on Tuesday, you can begin to rectify that situation by taking a look at a project you’ve been neglecting and breaking it down into smaller steps.

Make a To Do list of the steps and how long it will take you to do them. Writing them down will solidify those steps into commitments you make to yourself so you can complete your task. Laying out a timeframe that you can see and refer to will help you have a clearer picture of how you can accomplish all that you need to do.

Once you’ve got your task broken down into steps, set yourself up for success by making those steps as easy as possible to complete. Put away your phone and get off social media to eliminate distractions. Begin with the step you see as the easiest so you can complete it quickly and reward yourself for a job well done. If you think setting a deadline for yourself will be an effective completion tool, by all means set one. Make it attainable and definite by resolving to have the step done at a specific time.

When it comes to procrastination, trying counts as a win. Making the smallest attempt, even if you only work for a minute or two, can help you sharpen your starting skills. Each time you start try sticking to it just a little longer to exercise your perseverance. Resist the temptation to be hard on yourself for stopping as you build this skill. Any start is a good start and you are to be commended for starting at all.

But if getting started is your stumbling block, how do you put all this into motion? Accountability is central to overcoming procrastination and doing it by yourself can make it too easy to continue to put things off. The benefits of having someone to be accountable to are invaluable and an Accountability Coach can be that someone for you. They are the living personification of that voice in your head that’s telling you to keep at it. Your Accountability Coach works with you, discusses your wants and needs and motivates you to create positive change. For more information on the benefits of working with an Accountability Coach, you can contact Cindy here.

It can be tough to take the reins and get past your procrastination. Practice self compassion and celebrate your victories as you take each step. Start small with simple tasks that have a clear beginning, middle and end. Once you discover you can succeed at starting and completing a task, you’ll be all the more encouraged to do it again.


For more information about how you, someone you know or someone you work with can benefit from Accountability Coaching and Executive Function Support, go to our website or reach out directly to Cindy Feinberg, President of The Recovery Coach NY via phone or text at 631-921-4085 or you can email her at recoverycoachcindy@gmail.com


The Recovery Coach NY provides Individual and Family Coaching, Companions & Safe Transport, Intervention and emergency services for you and your loved ones. We have years of experience and a vast array of resources that can help those in need find the path to the life they deserve, filled with joy and purpose. We come with an empathetic ear and solution-oriented actions that can begin to bring the relief you and your loved one seek.

Follow Cindy on Instagram: www.instagram.com/therecoverycoachny