Grey Area Drinking: the space between drinking moderately and alcohol misuse. In a report on CBS News Dr. Aakash Shah, Chief of Jersey Shore University Medical Center’s Addiction Medical Center, said “the term Grey Area Drinker means someone who is drinking more than they probably like but not so much that it’s causing external consequences yet.” Dr. Shah continued “it doesn’t yet meet the medical definitions of alcoholism, but … the risk is there.”

If you’ve been thinking you might have a problem with your drinking, trust your gut, honor your feelings. You may be right. Have you told yourself drinking isn’t a problem or even a habit, just something you do to relax? Maybe you’re going back and forth with your drinking, quitting for a while then starting again only to revisit old patterns of occasionally, then frequently, overdoing it.

It’s the end of a high-stress day and you’re looking forward to winding down with a glass of wine. First it’s one drink an occasional night, then more nights and more drinks each night. Maybe you wait until everyone in the family is in bed to kick back, telling yourself you need alone time to decompress instead of the truth: you don’t want them to know how much you’re drinking.

Or maybe it’s the weekend and you’re looking forward to meeting up with friends at the usual Friday night spot. But that 1 or 2 before dinner has turned into 3 or 4 and no dinner. And then you stop because you can. Any time. And you don’t drink – until you start again.

If what was once an occasional cocktail has developed into more, now is the time to take a good look at when you drink, how you drink and why you drink. These patterns can build, accelerating you to the point of misuse. It’s important to take a look at what may be a serious issue looming on the horizon and change course before you crash into it.

Working with a Recovery Coach trained in CBT – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Talk Therapy – can help you to get things sorted out. They are equipped to guide you through the tough questions you may be asking yourself about this troubling shift in your drinking. They can support you in being honest about what’s going on and what you can do about it. Maybe you’d like to explore Harm Reduction, a non-judgmental system that uses a range of strategies focused on helping you to manage your alcohol use so that you can improve the quality of your life.

Although you may have started out as an occasional social drinker, bouts of increasing &/or more frequent consumption is something to take seriously. This is not uncommon and nothing Recovery Coaches haven’t heard before. Be kind to yourself, give yourself a break and talk to someone before it, and your life, spins out of control.


If this sounds like you, someone you know or someone you work with, The Recovery Coach NY provides individual and family coaching, companions & transport, Intervention and emergency services for you and your loved ones. For more information and additional services, go to our website:


The Recovery Coach NY has years of experience and a vast array of resources that can help those in need find the path to the life they deserve, filled with joy and purpose. We come with an empathetic ear and solution-oriented actions that can begin to bring the relief you and your loved one seek.


You can reach out to Cindy Feinberg, President of The Recovery Coach NY via:

Phone or text: 631-921-4085


Through her website: