Sharpen your skills and learn more about the power of addiction in an upcoming workshop at the New York Center for Living.

Join Cindy Feinberg, CPC as she shares her knowledge and expertise in the realm of sober companionship, case management and self-help on Thursday, February 27 from 10 am to 11:30 am.

The workshop will feature information about addiction treatment after a client leaves a rehabilitation facility. Learn more about how sober companions can help clients who are in need of additional care and support. Discover how sober companions can help a client master, adhere to and sustain recovery in his or her everyday life.

The workshop will discuss the distinction of roles among sober companions, recovery coaches and 12-step sponsors. Take advantage of this great opportunity to learn more about the the demands of recovery and the ethical dilemmas that occur within this highly unregulated industry.

To join us, Please contact Lisa Donath at 212-712-8814 or email

Breakfast will be served at the workshop, and continuing education credits will be offered for participation.
