It may be one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do. But you don’t have to do it alone. The Recovery Coach NY team specializes in the Arise Intervention model. This type of intervention uses an invitational intervention approach. The invitation intervention approach creates a family recovery process that starts with inviting the addict to attend the intervention. No surprises or ambush. The Arise Intervention Model works to encourage the whole family to change to get healthier, not just the addict.

Photo Credit: David Castillo Dominici

Photo Credit: David Castillo Dominici

So why is the Arise Intervention Model so effective?

A support system is crucial when it comes to recovery success rates. It’s effective in ensuring long –term recovery, and most effective because the addict gets a vote in his or her own care.

How to you tell when it’s time to intervene?

Signs of addiction are not all-inclusive, but definitely concerning. Here are a few symptoms that could indicate the need to intervene:

Uncontrollable dependency: You notice your loved one is relying on a substance and they are sneaking around to get their next fix. It seems that once they start using this substance they cannot stop, and their behavior and depression gets increasingly worse.

Continual use: Another sign that may indicate the need for intervention is the continual use of a substance even after experiencing consequences from using. This can include loss of a job, serious illness or legal trouble.

Denial: Your loved one is defensive about their abuse when you ask him or her about their using. They are not likely realizing the trouble they are in, and will continue down this dangerous path, which will inevitably lead to more consequences.

Empty Promises: Your loved one says that they will seek treatment, and it is never sought. They may also promise they will quit or cut back, but nothing changes. Empty promises can also be in reference accountability for responsibilities and obligations. If you find your loved one is often absent when they are expected to be somewhere or show up intoxicated, it is time to act.

Enabling: You find yourself constantly giving money to your loved one or bailing them out of jail. This is a sign that you may in over your head. This is where interventions become necessary for the well being of you, your family and your loved one.

Our intervention services provide a safe and comfortable situation for all involved. Feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can help you. Give us a call at 631-921-4085.