Your student worked hard on developing good study and testing habits during the school year. It’s important for them to keep those skills sharp while they’re out of the classroom this summer, especially if they have celebrated high school graduation and are prepping for college life.
Working with a member of Cindy’s team of Academic and Executive Function Coaches will help your student be properly prepared when the time for school rolls around again. Our coaches work with your student, focusing on their interests and engaging in educational activities that can help keep them on track:
Kimberly Kaskel – MA, School Counseling & Psychological Counseling
An Executive Function Coach passionate about helping students achieve skills-based goals while fostering a supportive environment for learning, Kimberly also provides emotional and social support. You can read our interview with Kim here.
Courtney Portnof – Dual MA, Childhood Education & Special Education
An Academic Coach specializing in Executive Function skills, Courtney’s solution-oriented approach includes building student confidence and life skills that are intertwined with academic performance. You can read our interview with Courtney here.
You can all still share in the laid back summer months while continuing to build your student’s learning and living skills. Have a confidential conversation with Cindy about how you can give your student a leg up this summer by calling 631-921-4085 or reach her directly via email here.
Whatever stage of mental health recovery you are in, whatever level of support you need, a member of The Recovery Coach NY team can guide you through assessing your strengths and developing goals for next steps. You can reach out to Cindy via phone at 631-921-4085 to have a confidential conversation about how we can help or you can reach her directly via email here.
The Recovery Coach NY honors all paths of recovery with years of experience and a vast array of resources that can support those in need find the way to the life of joy and purpose they deserve. We come with an empathetic ear and solution-oriented actions that can begin to bring the relief you and your loved one seek.
We provide Recovery Coaching, Mental Health Support & Coaching, Sobriety & Mental Health Companionship, Executive Function & Accountability Coaching, Academic Coaching & Scholastic Support, Safe Transport, Case Management, Psychedelic Integration Coaching, Intervention and Emergency Services. For more information and additional services, go to our website.
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