A seemingly simple question. But once you answer it, and set a goal to get it, along comes the next question: how do you get it? You can want big or small things, material or spiritual. Want to be a millionaire, own a mansion and a yacht? Peace of mind? Whatever your specific goal is to reach it you need a plan, a directional system on how to get there. And once the plan is made you need to put it into action. It can seem overwhelming, too big a picture to look at much less contemplate. So it’s important to break down your large vision into small steps.

That’s where intentions come in.

Dictionary.com has a list of definitions for intention, the first of which is “an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.” So to set an intention is to define to yourself what it is you want to accomplish through your actions. Setting intentions points you in the direction you need to go to get what you want.

Journaling is a great tool for setting intentions. Putting thoughts to paper helps you express, see and reinforce your ideas and feelings about what you want. Take some time every morning for journaling so you can set your intentions for the day. Compose your intentions in a positive light. For example, rather than “stop doom scrolling on my phone” your intention can be “start reading more”.

Let’s say your goal is to start a new career and make a living doing what you love. You need a plan to make that goal a reality. What steps can you take to bring you closer to your dream job? Intentions are internal, so take a look inside. In your journal, write down everything you can think of, that you feel would bring you to your goal. It doesn’t matter how weird or silly they may seem, write them all down.

Now that you have everything written down, review and determine next steps. That’s setting your intentions, taking action to achieve your goal. Your list includes exploring websites related to the field and reaching out to key contacts. Signing up for industry emails so you’re alerted to panel discussions and online events you can attend and actively participate in to make yourself known to the players. Make an intention to contact a site a day for the first week and and an intention to stick to it. At the end of the week do a review of your progress and make any adjustments needed to continue on your road toward success.

You may flounder a bit at first and that’s OK, new habits take time to form. Did you intend to contact five new companies last week and only manage to reach out to four? That’s an 80% success rate, not too shabby. There will always be room for improvement, you’re allowed to give yourself a break. An often overlooked yet central intention is to be kind to yourself. Instead of lying in bed fretting over how you didn’t meet all your intentions, praise yourself for all the intentions you did meet and set a new intention to get a good night’s sleep. After all, tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to meet all those good intentions.

If you need support to get started setting intentions and reaching your goals, The Recovery Coach NY has individual and family coaching. Companions & transport, Intervention and emergency services are also available for you and your loved ones. For more information and additional services, go to our website: therecoverycoachny.com

The Recovery Coach NY has years of experience and a vast array of resources that can help those in need find the path to the life they deserve, filled with joy and purpose. We come with an empathetic ear and solution-oriented actions that can begin to bring the relief you and your loved one seek.

You can reach out to Cindy Feinberg, President of The Recovery Coach NY via:

Phone or text: 631-921-4085

Email: recoverycoachcindy@gmail.com